Billing Software Source Code In Vb6 Array Ubound
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Oct 1, 2012 - Array() quickly builds a one-dimensional array with data. C: Program Files OpenOffice3.2 share basic 'A Windows installation. Array bounds (LBound and UBound) work fine with empty arrays, whereas VBA. Rnd function accepts an argument; I checked the source code for the Rnd function, which.
Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Public Sub Command1_Click() Dim arr(1 To 3, 2 To 4, 5 To 7) As Integer Dim b() As Integer msgbox 'arr ' _ & Lbound(arr, 1) & '. ' & Ubound(arr,1) & ', ' _ & Lbound(arr, 2) & '. ' & Ubound(arr, 2) & ', ' _ & Lbound(arr, 3) & '. ' & Ubound(arr, 3) Redim b(5 To 7, 2 To 4, 1 To 3) msgbox 'b ' _ & Lbound(b, 1) & '. ' & Ubound(b, 1) & ', ' _ & Lbound(b, 2) & '. ' & Ubound(b, 2) & ', ' _ & Lbound(b, 3) & '. ' & Ubound(b, 3) Redim Preserve arr(5 To 7, 2 To 4, 1 To 3) msgbox 'arr p ' _ & Lbound(arr, 1) & '.
' & Ubound(arr,1) & ', ' _ & Lbound(arr, 2) & '. ' & Ubound(arr, 2) & ', ' _ & Lbound(arr, 3) & '. ' & Ubound(arr, 3) ' the following statement results in a crash Redim arr(5 To 7, 2 To 4, 1 To 3) ' ' Jabaco compiles it to: ' arr.setBound(1, 3, false); arr.addDimension(2, 4, false); arr.addDimension(5, 7, false); ' msgbox 'arr ' _ & Lbound(arr, 1) & '. ' & Ubound(arr, 1) & ', ' _ & Lbound(arr, 2) & '. ' & Ubound(arr, 2) & ', ' _ & Lbound(arr, 3) & '. ' & Ubound(arr, 3) End Sub Any idea, why the non-preserving ReDim() of a defined array results in a runtime exception?
A1880 This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by 'A1880' (Mar 6th 2009, 1:23pm). Hi, as a rule of thumb, Jabaco should follow the syntax of VB6. It should 'swallow' most source codes which are considered valid VB6.
Where it make sense, extensions are nice. Examples: - I would like to have a standard function 'length()' for array dimensions rather than fiddling around with UBound() and LBound() - The standard properties of VB6 collections are fairly restricted. I do miss 'contains()' for key-existance checks. A 'sort()' would come handy as well. Standard adherence has one big advantage: Developers can always look into the VB6 literature to get detailed information. I would restrict 'ReDim' to changes of array dimensions.
To me, it looks confusing to use ReDim as a Dim in the first place. Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Public Sub Command3_Click() Dim List As New java#util#ArrayList Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To 10 List.add(i) Next MsgBox CStr(List.size) MsgBox 'List.contains( 5): ' & List.contains( 5) 'for 'contains' the associative Hashtable is better: Dim dic As New java#util#Hashtable dic. Put('Apfel', 'Apfel') dic. Put('Birne', 'Birne') dic. Digimon world 3 pc. Put('Melone', 'Melone') dic.