Bosch Rexroth Indraworks Software

With the dialog-based and universally supported engineering software IndraWorks, Bosch Rexroth ensures the shortest possible configuration and commissioning times for safety-related applications. Thanks to an extensive library of ready-made functional building blocks and numerous wizards which further reduce the engineering time, the programming work which previously took a considerable amount of time has now been replaced by a convenient selection and parameterization process. In order to make it easier for users to detect hidden faults, a dynamic online system tests all safety channels for possible faults independently in the background. Source code sistem informasi penjualan dengan php dan mysql download free. As a result, manual testing is no longer necessary.

And if servicing is required later on, the device can be replaced on the end user’s premises without a PC and with no need for another machine acceptance procedure. Cost benefits thanks to integrated instruction logic Because Bosch Rexroth equips its with safe logic components, many machines require fewer components and smaller machines can even manage without a separate control system for machine safety. With IndraWorks, “safe AND” with or without muting, “safe OR” and “safe inverting” can be configured individually for the relevant application. The integrated instruction logic in conjunction with the safe and direction-dependent cam areas also allow particularly time-critical applications. Depending on the current safe position of the axis, up to 16 different movement profiles which are to be monitored can be enabled automatically.

Download Rexroth Indraworks, free download rexroth indraworks software downloads, Page 3. Bosch Rexroth's IndraLogic XLC programmable logical controller. Bosch Rexroth IndraLogic PLC provides multiple machine control functions in one environment. August 18, 2011. The graphical profile editor in the Rexroth IndraWorks software tool offers numerous offline and online functions for this purpose. Master and slave interfaces for.

If, for example, the light barrier detects that the operator of a servo press moves into the dangerous area when the stamp is descending, the drive system performs an emergency stop with no need to pass through the control system in the process. In turn, the emergency stop is muted depending on the angle of rotation during a risk-free start-up. With a maximum of 31 safe cams and up to 16 safe absolute position ranges, SafeMotion offers machine manufacturers a wide range of drive-integrated safety functions. (Source: Bosch Rexroth) Activation up to ten times quicker The IndraDrive drive systems also provide various options for activating drive-independent safety functions.


For particularly time-critical safety applications, extremely short, direct selection on the zone module via 24 volt signals is recommended. All axes involved can be activated in just 5 ms – around ten times quicker than if they were activated using the standard safe bus systems. Indirectly, this also allows a more compact machine design. For example, light barriers can be positioned closer to the dangerous movement even with the same approach speed. Free selection opens up new markets The IndraDrive drive systems still manage to support an unrivaled variety of bus systems. In addition to CIP Safety on Sercos which is used by the Rexroth SafeLogic or SafeLogic compact safety controllers, these include in particular PROFIsafe on PROFINET as well as Safety over EtherCAT and CIP Safety on EtherNet/IP.

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