Check The Lmgrd Log File

Apr 21, 2011  Update the SERVER line in the client license files to match the SERVER line in the license file for the license manager. To verify that the firewall.

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The desired vendor daemon is down problem: The license server issues the following error message: The desired vendor daemon is down. Check the lmgrd log file, or try lmreread. License path:;; C:/Program Files (x86)/BioSolveIT/LeadIT2 *.lic; FlexNet Licensing error:-97,121 solution: Although the error message itself is not quite helpful, the given hint indeed often reveals the underlying problem. → Check the lmgrd log file first! One of the most often reasons: your license keys have expired! In this case you would see something like 0:00:17: 0:00:17 (BIOSOLVE) Hyde_base expired -- rereading to update 0:00:17 (BIOSOLVE) Rereading license file. 0:00:17 (BIOSOLVE) EXPIRED: Hyde_base 0:00:17 (BIOSOLVE) EXPIRED: LeadIT_Docking_FlexX 0:00:17 (BIOSOLVE) EXPIRED: LeadIT_Docking_Pharm 0:00:17 (BIOSOLVE) EXPIRED: LeadIT_Scoring_Hyde 0:00:17 (BIOSOLVE) EXPIRED: LeadIT_ReCore 0:00:17 (BIOSOLVE) EXPIRED: FTrees 0:00:17 (BIOSOLVE) License server system started on 0:00:17 (BIOSOLVE) No features to serve, exiting 0:00:17 (BIOSOLVE) EXITING DUE TO SIGNAL 36 Exit reason 4 0:00:18 (lmgrd) BIOSOLVE exited with status 36 (No features to serve) 0:00:18 (lmgrd) BIOSOLVE daemon found no features.

Please correct 0:00:18 (lmgrd) license file and re-start daemons. 0:00:18 (lmgrd) 0:00:18 (lmgrd) This may be due to the fact that you are using 0:00:18 (lmgrd) a different license file from the one you expect. 0:00:18 (lmgrd) Check to make sure that: 0:00:18 (lmgrd) /local/app/flexlm/lic/BIOSOLVE.lic 0:00:18 (lmgrd) is the license file you want to use. 0:00:18: in the log. Then please contact us to get new keys.

After having received the new keys, please first delete the old license file with the expired keys, or just overwrite the old license file. In case you get some other diagnostic message in the log, please check all advice given there! If you still encounter problems, send this license server log to us.

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