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Clearly, the biggest part of any trustee's job is to negotiate with any third parlies interested in purchasing die bankrupt company’s assets (in this case, primarily the technology) to the end that the creditors are as satisfied as possible. This negotiation process is happening, and it’s lengthy. Commodore’s liquidation is a complicated affair, far more involved than the simplified description given here.
There are at least three major business units (and many smaller ones) involved: Commodore Electronics Limited, Commodore Business Machines, and Commodore International Limited. Roadblocks and delays notwithstanding, a new. Amiga-savvy owner stands a good chance of emerging from the process. Regardless of which bidder buys Commodore, we’re unlikely to witness a parceling of the technolog)- in the liquidation process, with Company A getting CD32, Company B getting the AA chip set, and so on. Rather, one company will pr obably acquire everything, and it’s up to that company to determine the fate of that technolog)’. This can he viewed as either good news or had. T he good news is that there is money in making computers Amiga computers.
There arc production plants silting idle that could he activated in about a month, and some of the ellicient, profitable Commodore business units, such as Commodore Canada, could revamp sales, marketing, and R&D efforts in a short time. The bad news is Lhat there’s a lot of online speculation to the effect that some companies that are seeking to acquire Commodore have no interest in continuing the Amiga. But because some of these companies have quietly leaked to the press their intention to produce Amigas again, I’m not particularly worried. Even if those companies don't win the bidding war, licensing of die technolog)' should revive some form of Amiga production and distribution. Printer Calls Commodore’s liquidation notwithstanding, there’s one subject dear to the hearts of readers that generates more phone calls to our ollice than any other: printers. Amiga users are constantly searching for new drivers, new printer utilities, anything that will make their printers produce better output. To address that problem, here arc some solutions I've found online.
A recent utility called Virtual Printer, by 1 j Garrick Meeker, contains IFF_Printer and Screen_ Printer. These two new “printer drivers” install in your Devs:Printer directory, but that’s where anv similarity j j to conventional printer drivers ends. Based on Commodore’s I IP_LiserJet and EpsonX printer drivers, these programs direct printed output to disk when you select the print option from graphics-based programs. Click image to download PDF Document sans nom • Exploring Imdgmi September 1994 U SA. $ 3.95 * Canada $ 49m WC £2.95 • WarpEngine vs. G • Animated ImageJ • Games: RP * Sblt At Work Communications Publication Slnrfor, Word LOW PRICE ROTATING GRAPHICS 100 EPS IMAGES 120 OUTLINF FONTS fm na Writer is argu ly the best word processor yet released for the Anmjar, Amiga Mki, March 1094. “.Final Writer is the top Amiga »d proces* l Btons, Endnotes.
Bibliography, and Index gen- gra wtions; multiple master pages; EPS Kipi kirt; movable text blocks; rotated text Hlarfl Hid a user configured button strip for n of the program’s interface. Ti wo BLItalic, and Underline user Filial Opy*l Release 2 “Readers’ Choice Awarajpy3,,> Amazing Computing; “Awarc Best Software Product5’, Amiga Plus “Product of the Year 1993' Amiga Maca aermany). What more can we sav Thi most popular and most used word jA H Hrr on the Amiga today. It features a 11Jo1 gospeller; 1.4 million word thesaurus: autgj hyphenation: search and replace; tab stopjj adjustable margins; word and sentence c ift; paragraph sorting; on-screen math; style sheets; drawing tools; impor nics. Master pages; Compugraphicjjj A NimbusQ outline font suppog P prirn possible on any Workbendg SBHraplTM ' er or PostScript device.