Logixpro Mac

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I'd love to have a cracked version of LogixPro.and I'll tell you why. I contacted bill about a problem i was having running the program in Win4Lin.

It says on the web site that it doesn't run in Mac windows emulators. ) I tried to run it in Win4Lin and under Wine and it just wouldn't work.

My e-mail was ignored. I have no doubt that its the funky copy protection scheme that's keeping me from using it. I have no more respect for this man. I was willing to shell out the money for two copys so i could have one at home and one at work, but since i don't use 'real' windows at home, my business isn't wanted. Fsx - venezuela scenery svpr. That's funny I have never had any problem with responses on my email's.

As a matter of fact Bill has always been on top of any issue that I had. I even commented on how fast he got back to me with an answer to my problem.I would try emailing him again, he is always eager to help. Maybe the email got over looked.

I'm sure he get's alot of them. I think it had more to do with the content of the e-mail. I could probably do things in the Win4Lin installation to bypass the copy protection. (i wouldn't.) thats the only program that i can't install in Win4Lin. I'm sure that you are running 'real' windows and didn't ask a question he was paranoid about. Since LogixPro doesn't work under emulation, i'm almost certain these problems are related to the copy protection scheme he's using. RSLogix runs and that is my learning tool.

I think it had more to do with the content of the e-mail. I could probably do things in the Win4Lin installation to bypass the copy protection. (i wouldn't.) thats the only program that i can't install in Win4Lin. I'm sure that you are running 'real' windows and didn't ask a question he was paranoid about. Since LogixPro doesn't work under emulation, i'm almost certain these problems are related to the copy protection scheme he's using. RSLogix runs and that is my learning tool. How do you know he's paranoid about it unless you've talked to him about it?

So because he doesn't support software that won't work with his protection scheme, you'd like to crack it & steal it? I don't get it.

I want to buy it. But thats just not possible. Why would i buy somthing that won't run on my setup? Hell, if i could get the cracked version an it actually ran in Win4Lin, I'd send my 30 bucks.

Go back and re-read. I was willing to buy two copys even though i could get a cd and run it at both home and work because i believed in what bill was doing and i still think its a great product. Besides, someone here at work my want to play with it.

But that crappy copyprotection scheme.geez. No.i'm not gonna go there again. I've been using linux for 10+ years and have always had the software i needed. I use the Win4Lin product because over the last few years i've had the need to run some windows software. And no, dual boot is not an option because when windows is running, servers are down. Now.if i find a cracked version would i grap it?

But i'd still send my 30 bucks. Now.on another note. Why couldn't the cd version run under emulation since it doesn't have to run on a specific windows machine? I've been running linux long enough to know that we're largely ignored by most software developers and i'm not going to keep trying to get answers to the same questions. I'll just do without.obviously. What is the big fascination with linux anyhow?

And I see your point with wanting to use the software, but what is so special about linux? Thanks for understanding.

I guess i didn't include enough detail in previous posts to get my point across. =] back in the mid 90's i was exploring several different operating systems. (i'm just geeky like that.) i tried linux because i always wanted to learn unix. Between Dos/Win3.11, OS/2, Linux, and Win95 i liked linux the best and have stuck with it since.

I believe people should use to os of their choice and shouldn't be locked into anything. I support people who choose to use windows, but won't hardly work on their systems anymore because i find it such a pain. I get equal experience on both ( well.nearly). The week i'm offshore i use win2000 and the week i'm home i use linux.

In my opinion linux is the superior system, but i don't recomend it to anyone unless they just want to try somthing different. After spending a lot of time on the command line i started checking out different windowmanagers and found one that emulated the look of NeXT Step called Windowmaker (i could make themes and customize the look of my gui. It was a fine thing.

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