Realistic Ai Helicopters For Fsx And Fs92
Hi all, after a long time and a huge computer upgrade i started to explore the world of Flight Simulator (have FS9). Lately I got interested into helicopters. Championship manager 99 00 tactics itunes. In my opinion the flight models (globally, the behaviour of the copters) with the realism setting maxed out (hard) is not realistic (i also heard and read it in few places).
A total of 287 C-87s were built alongside the B-24 at the Consolidated Aircraft plant in Fort Worth, Texas. This is an FSX update for the FS2002/2004 Alphasim model and now features a new enhanced virtual cockpit with all new gauges compatible for FSX.
So the question is: What are the best realism settings for FS9 (FS2004) to get the most real / realistic helicopter behaviour? (they can't be that hard to fly like with realism:hard in FS9 in real life ) Thanks in advance.
It really helps, they know what to do on hovecontrol. The copters are that hard to fly but there are two things to help in FS9. Adjust the realism level ('general' slider one point left [from the most-right = hardest] and adjust the sensitivity of your joystick (sensitivity: max, null zone: none) It really helps and now its possible to learn copter flying (offcourse the best is to have joystick with thrust and pedals, but I got joystick with rudder and thrust and it works great, nevertheless you have to got something to steer the rudder [its really important with copters], either on joystick or some keys on the keyboard) Thanks again!
Aug 22, 2015 FSX; AI Helicopter Traffic; If this is your first visit, welcome! Please note that you will need to register to use many of the site's best features, including downloading files and posting messages. Until you register you can read any of the articles on this page and also read messages in the forums. Need help getting. The ultimate flight simulator site for FSX, FS2004, X-Plane, Prepar3D and more. Thousands of searchable flight simulation file downloads, message forums, photo.
April the first station commander Wing Commander W. Swann assumed command.