Smart Flash Tool Lg Su660 Hard

Jun 15, 2012 - I ended up using SmartFlash to flash stock ROM. SmartFlash tools & drivers:. Download Smart Flash Tool Lg Su660. Some advance users who already managed to upgrade using the stock V30A ROM and manually flash using the SmartFlasher tool. ICS 4.0.4 Europe Open v30A stock ROM. A quick installation procedure: Proceed at your own risk! This work for us and might not work to yours.

Hello all, I believe these steps will fix your issue: 1. Download the following files: • () • () 2. Solidworks files free. Extract the first one and copy it to the c drive (C: LgDTVUpDater) 3. Extract the second one and copy the contents to the first one and say yes to copy and replace for all of them. Change the ip address in the AcrylicHosts.txt file from to your PC's current ip *C: LgDTVUpDater dns AcrylicHosts.txt 5.

Copy the file 'HE_DTV_NC4H_AFAAABAA' from 'C: LgDTVUpDater blank online your tv model folder/' to the new path 'C: LgDTVUpDater htdocs ' and say yes to copy and replace. *Run the file 'startDNS.bat' • Run the file 'startHTTP.bat' Do not close them The last step will be done on your TV with the help of part two from the following link: *Do not forget to change the tv dns back after restarting your tv.

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