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##### Exploit Title: Multiple SQL injections Author:Marcela Benetrix Date: version: 0.995 (older version may be vulnerable too) software link:http.
What is SQL Injection Definition, basic principles and categories of SQL injection SQL injection (SQLI) is a technique that allows a user to inject SQL commands into the database engine from a vulnerable application. By leveraging the syntax and capabilities of SQL, the attacker can influence the query passed to the back-end database in order to extract sensible information or to get control over the database. This security issue is mostly present in websites but it can also exist in software. In fact, SQL injection attacks (SQLIA) can be done anywhere a database is used and user input is not sanitized correctly. Categories Below are listed the main categories of SQL injection attacks. They are explained in further details in referred articles but it will give you a rough idea how SQLIA are classified.
DBMS specific attack This type of SQLIA is used as an alternative to classic SQL injection. Ci v icom software for use with 7700k. It is especially useful when trying to fingerprint the database system, but it can also provide the ability to achieve a complete attack when some particular conditions are met. These techniques are detailed in the section.
Dynamic Query Building It is important to mention that SQL injection vulnerabilities are not caused by a database system flaw. In fact, a SQL injection attack can be made against a vulnerable system not matter what its DBMS is.
The security flaw is an error made by the programmer who built a query without sufficiently validating user input. Popularity SQL injection attacks are among the most popular security issues today.
The presence of transactional websites combined to the misunderstanding of SQL injection clearly contributed to increase the problem. In fact, it has created a perfect environment for the growth of SQL injection attacks.
Security Impacts Misinformation about possible impacts and causes of SQL injection are so generalized that it is important to make a clear distinction between myths and reality. It is often thought that this kind of attack is pretty limited in terms of possible damage and it achievability mainly relies on luck since it requires a lot of guessing to find enough information to perform an attack. The truth is totally the opposite.
By using the right techniques, the attacker will be able to exploit almost any SQL injection flaw without relying on luck or guessing. Moreover, a SQL injection attack can lead to a full system control of the database server. Obviously, this is without mentioning that database content can be read, modified and deleted by the hacker who has gain some access to the database.
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