Airwell Ducted Air Conditioner Manual

Our AIR / AIR heat pump solutions. Combine technological performance and energy savings to guarantee you well-being throughout the year.

I got an Airwell ducted air conditioner unit with 4 outlet model: GC24RCC-S and Remove controller 4 and PCB unit is Storm 2. When turned on, the green operation led of the display controller unit is flashing. The unit is running but there is no cooling. When switch on heating mode the operation led is lit (stayed on) and working ok. The air filter has been cleaned.

I tried to swich off the power and on again. But still not working.

How can I reset the system or Could anyone help me and solve this problem?

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Ducted air conditioner for rv

Can anyone suggest the best course of action. I have a single phase Airwell ducted system DS48RCF / GC48RCF operated by a RC4 remote which was installed 10 years ago. While the display on the remote lights up and changes when the various functions are selected, the air-cond will not operate by using the remote. However, I am able to turn on the air-cond using the manual button on the signal receiver, but can only select heat or call and not set any temperature. Any ideas if this is a fault with the remote or the signal receiver and who to contact in Adelaide to repair. The unit was installed by Climat, but last time I called them out, it cost me a fortune.

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