Battletech Mercenaries Supplemental Update Pdf Version Download
Jan 7, 2017 - Author Topic: Battletech PDF books (Read 1906 times). Warship HMA Files. Mercenaries Supplemental Update. That you did not intend to purchase (they are having some issues with download links to the wrong product).
Welcome to the wonderful world of BattleTech! My favorite source for scenarios is the Chaos Campaign system. The rules for the system are available for free. From there you can make use of many of the available 'Turning Point' pdf options available for purchase for a small fee. I have reviewed most of them on my website. = On that note I have made more than a few free scenarios myself including two full length Chaos Campaign compatible modules, War of 3039 and Pirate Haven. For what its worth I really enjoyed the Starterbook series as well.
Not sue if you can snag a copy but its worth it if you can. Any of the Chaos Campaign based options can be used as part of a full campaign or simply cherry picked for a one off battle. I've done both. Happy hunting! Which time period are you interested in? The modern scenario system is based on the Chaos Campaign system mentioned by Brian above, and all of the most recent books plug into that, but cover a wide time period. Total Chaos is literally a book full of scenarios, but they're all set in the Jihad.
Sarna (the unofficial wiki) has a handful of scenarios available for download that've been releaed for free over the years: - they're typically ones from conventions, and the like. There's also a category on Sarna that tracks publications marked specifically as scenario packs, which might be useful for reference::Scenario_Packs - depending on how old the book is, you may need to do some fiddling to make them completely playable (I'm thinking largely of tweaking the forces involved based on more modern force balancing mechanisms, like BV2 or Alpha Strike's PV, than the systems used when those products were released).
The main thing is going to be deciding what era you want to play with - there's more tech available in some eras than in others, which means more options but more complexity too. One thing I'd definitely recommend is having a look on the BattleTech forum on the Catalyst Game Labs website, and grabbing the Army Books produced by Worktroll - they're free, and give some great detail on their era; Xotl's random 'Mech tables are also really good for generating faction-specific army lists for the period up to (about) 3050, and are also free. Most of the random tables used for unit building in BattleTech work off 2d6s - Xotl's are as close to canon a you can get in a free product, and work of d1000s.
You can get the Chaos campaign rules for free from battletech's site as well > Note that the Campaign system as detailed there assumes you own the Total Warfare for reference. The gem of the campaign rules really is the warchest point system, which is a numeric abstraction that allows you to calculate (and more importantly, carry over between scenarios) unit strenght, resources and combat experience. It's what you use to link scenarios in a viable military campaign. As mentioned above, this system is something you can freely apply to any number of scenarios, but if you want a completely ready to play experience you would do yourself a favor by getting the Starterbooks you mentioned above. As the name implies, the books are tailor-made to start you on an freeform campaign based around one of two military forces (for instance in its Davion vs Kurita)and the scenario types, units and warchest point system is included and already baked-in in a simple to use book.
Free blueprint tool. As a first step in the game you can't get a better option as far as I'm concerned. Something else that's well worth considering is looking into the Attack the Bot system.
It's designed for people using MekHQ and the java-based BattleTech emulater whose name escapes me, but underlying that - and preserved in the archived threads on the CGL forum - is a spreadsheet-driven campaign system, complete with random contract generation, battle generation, random events, unit management and so on.