Virtuemart Email Manager Загрузить Фото

Can't find something really special for your future website? Our 100% Premium Free VirtueMart Templates will get a lot of likes from your customers! Install Phoca PDF VirtueMart plugin (or Phoca PDF VirtueMart Email plugin) in Joomla! Extension Manager. Enable this plugin in Joomla! Plugin Manager.

Setting up a Joomla multilingual site is now very easy plus it is quick (just 5 steps) and free with JA Multilingual Component. We promise you the easy translation process involved: no frustration and no coding involved. The component helps to auto translate the whole Joomla site for multiple languages on the fly. You can choose from Bing Translator or Google Translate services. • BING translator (limited free) or Google Translate (fully commercial) • Select any language to translate FROM/TO • Multi languages installation • Translate all languages in one go • Easy Association management • Only translate new content (second translation onwards) • Translate meta descriptions and meta keywords too • Supports EasyBlog, K2, Mijoshop, Virtuemart and Flexicontent to start with.

Editing your VirtueMart emails has never been so easy!!! With VirtueMart Emails Manager you can easily edit the content of the emails being sent by Virtuemart through a simple user interface - no coding or hacking required! Authorize ezdrummer keygen torrent. Design your own HTML Emails for each email type like 'Order Confirmation', 'Order Status Changed', etc. For each email template, you can use a complete list of dynamic labels like: order_id, customer_name, order_total and more.

Virtuemart Email Manager Загрузить Фото

The VirtueMart Email editor uses Joomla's default HTML editor in order to provide full control of the email's Look & Feel and add custom HTML, tables, images, style and much more. Add valuable Marketing Content into everyday emails which are being sent automatically by your store!!! Features: * Send test mail for each email type before using it. * Easily add custom fields from vm_order table. Huawei e156g firmware update passwords 2017. * Send professional HTML emails to your customers. * Very simple and user-friendly interface. * Ability to add images to emails.

* Enable/Disable option for each email type. * Dynamic data is injected into the email using simple labels (see complete list below). * Edit and update VM email text in less then 5 minutes! * Joomla compatibility: Joomla!

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