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Mar 8, 2016 - A security researcher discovered a 'simple vulnerability' in the social network that allowed him to easily hack into any Facebook account, view. The Password Is Always 'Swordfish' trope as used in popular culture. It seems that most characters in fiction missed the memo on making a good Secret Word.
Booms the announcer, just like he has a million times before. Guile opens with a Sonic Boom, Ryu counters with a fireball. So far, so familiar.
Then the first strange thing happens: Guile throws another Sonic Boom, much faster than his two-second charge time should allow. Ryu's forced to block one, then another.
He jumps backwards to get space, and the second oddity occurs - he unleashes a fireball mid-leap, 'standing' on thin air. As soon as it leaves his hands, it veers towards Guile, who's already into the animation for his next shot. Meanwhile, two Sonic Booms are already humming through the air, glacially slow but ominously relentless. Ryu retaliates again, then again.
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Soon, the screen is a stream of projectiles, Guile's signature yell overlapping itself: 'Sonic-sonic-sonic-sonic.' If you walked into an arcade in the early 90s, this sort of thing wasn't an unusual sight. After the release of Street Fighter 2 in '91, Champion Edition a year later, and a slew of clones - Fatal Fury, Art Of Fighting and World Heroes the standouts - in between, the pace of releases still wasn't enough to satisfy hardcore fight fans. Players and arcade owners turned to the slew of bootlegged versions being released, and one in particular: the Rainbow Edition, known by its multi-coloured version of the title screen and released - according to text hidden in the ROM - by a group known as Hung Hsi Enterprise Taiwan.
Made by replacing chips on the standard Champion Edition board with reprogrammed variants, it horribly broke the game's balancing - but also improved it in unexpected ways. 'I saw an old Rainbow Edition in my laundromat a while ago, it's weird how it spread around,' says Patrick Miller, columnist at 'Fireballs coming out of the Dragon Punch was always the craziest thing to me, but there was some interesting stuff with Guile's fast-and-slow Sonic Booms.' It looks like Street Fighter 2 - but upon further inspection, it definitely doesn't play like Street Fighter 2. Other changes include charge time being ignored, most special moves being available mid-jump, and multiple projectiles being possible.
Slow hadokens home in on the other character, fierce ones come out almost too fast to see, and moves like the Hurricane Kick and Dragon Punches cover the entire screen. Movie hotel transylvania 2 for mobile. Zangief, already regarded as top-tier by elite players, becomes borderline unstoppable, able to screen-leap upwards until he's invincible to attacks, but still able to pull off his spinning piledriver. 'I played Rainbow Edition in the arcades a fair amount,' says David Sirlin, lead designer on Super Street Fighter 2 Puzzle Fighter Remix and author of Playing To Win. 'It's crazy and not serious, but pretty fun.
You had walls of fireballs with Sagat, Dhalsim with insanely fast walk speed, rather than the slowest in the game, Blanka throwing' Then there are genuinely bizarre changes: land Blanka's neck-bite, for instance and the Brazilian monster morphs into Ryu doing a slow-motion Dragon Punch. Players can change into other characters, mid-match, narrowly beating Mortal Kombat 2's playable Shang Tsung to the punch. Not every version is the same: one little-seen variation replaced Balrog with Fatal Fury protagonist Andy Bogard. There were Rainbow Editions of World Warrior, and later, SSF2, but none were as enduring as the Champion Edition.