Craftsman Staple Gun 68514 Manual Transmission

Home > Stapler and Brad Nailer. Stapler and Brad Nailer. Part #: 68514. You subscribed to this part. Members get $20 back in points. Members get $20 back in points., Craftsman Lawnsweeper 48624211 Parts Diagram.

I also have this stapler (68514) and cannot figure out how to load the brad nails. Karel the robot learns java. (9/16 inch) I printed out the image above, but figure 4 which shows the insertion of the brads shows them going into a very wide slot that they fall all around in. If you just try to have faith that that could possibly work and slide the slide forward, the row of brads just gets crunched up. There is no obvious slot to hold the nails. I have talked to 6 sears/craftsman people on the phone already, and none of them can find a manual. I went to Sears and Home depot to show my stapler to the sales people, and nobody could figure out how to do this. I have searched online for manuals.

I really really hope you can help me! Thanks, Jimmy. I did get my problem solved - by my husband, who studied your diagram. Bushfire press advance australia fair lyrics. He tucked the brads tight to the left side of the slot (with the stapler upside down; it would be the right side with the staple right side up), and it worked!

Craftsman 68514 stapler

I am wondering about the strip issue though, as I haven't seen those. The brads I have and the ones I've seen at the stores here (San Francisco Bay area) don't have a strip, but are very lightly 'glued' together in a row. I sure do appreciate your help, as I hate to lose a usable tool, even one as humble (but functional!) as this one is.

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