Ensiklopedi Keris Pdfescape
Di kalangan pecinta keris, keris Tayuhan biasanya sinengker, atau lebih bersifat pribadi bukan keris yang mudah diperlihatkan kepada orang lain, apalagi dengan tujuan untuk sekedar pamer. (sumber: Ensiklopedi Keris hal 466 ).
NAME MEANING DESCRIPTION TUAH Ron Pakis or Bulu Ayam Fern leaf or Cock feather's Pamor miring Good for leadership Ron Duru or Ronkenduru Genduru leaf Pamor miring Good for leadership Eri Wader Looks like a fish bone, thinner than Ron Duru Pamor miring Provides authority Naga Kangjeng Kiai Dragged palm frond Pamor miring Educational and social Floating water plants Pamor miring Protect against illness Pictures from 'ENSIKLOPEDI BUDAYA NASIONAL', HARSRINUKSMO, Bambang - - OLD BLADES - Malay World Edged Weapons. Copyright © 2000 - 2007 Revised: 2007-05-20.
A keris consists of two main parts, which are: 1) the blade (including the pesi); and 2) the ganja. The blade (including the pesi) represents a li ṅga, whereas the ganja represents a yonī. Based on ancient Hindu beliefs, in traditional Javanese phylosophy, too, the unity of li ṅga and yonī, symbolizes the hope for fertility, immortality (or continuation) and (both worldly and spiritual) power. Omniplan mac keygen software 2016. The blade of the keris always leans slightly over the ganja, which means that the blade is never entirely straight. This corresponds with the traditional Indonesian attitude, which implies that all people, regardless of their social status, ought to maintain a modest and respectful attitude at any given time. Not merely towards God, but also among each other.
Python serial.Serial () Examples. ''' ``port`` must be string, representing the path used for connecting to the machine's serial interface Example: on Raspberry3, the path to serial port is '/dev/serial0' ``baudrate`` is an int set up at 31250 by default and should not be changed. This is the standard baudrate. Python serial port programming. Jan 04, 2015 Python serial port communication. We open the serial port at COM1 at 19200 baud rate, with timeout 1 second. Then we check make sure the port is indeed open with the ‘isOpen()’ method. The code then enters a ‘while’ loop and wait for user’s input. Note that the input method for Python 3 is different than in Python 2. Full examples of using pySerial package [closed]. Blog post Serial RS232 connections in Python. Import time import serial # configure the serial connections (the parameters differs on the device you are connecting to) ser = serial.Serial( port='/dev/ttyUSB1', baudrate=9600, parity=serial.PARITY_ODD, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_TWO, bytesize. Reading Arduino serial ports in Windows 7 with Python + Pyserial. Installing Python + Pyserial to Windows First you have ton install Python on your computer. This is just typical install with no big deal. When you have installed Python you may want to restart your computer. If you are not sure if your install was succesfull you can open your. Welcome to pySerial’s documentation¶. This module encapsulates the access for the serial port. It provides backends for Python running on Windows, OSX, Linux, BSD (possibly any POSIX compliant system) and IronPython. The module named “serial” automatically selects the appropriate backend. Other pages (online) project page on GitHub.
The length of the blade of the keris usually is anywhere between 33 cm to 38 cm. Though some kerises from outside of Java can sometimes be up to 58 cm long. The smallest keris, however, is the Keris Buda made by the female empu Nyi Sombro in the Pajajaran era. This particular keris is approximately 16-18 cm long. Yet there are also many other tiny kerises, some only being 12 cm long, or yet even less than that.
However, these tiny objects do not fall under the category of keris, rather do they get classified as amulets or talismans. A genuine keris is forged by using at least two or three types of metal: 1) iron; 2) steel and 3) pamor. However, old kerises, such as ‘ Keris Buda’, do not contain any steel.
Kerises made from gold, zinc, or other types of metal, do not fall under the category of keris. Likewise, kerises which are not forged but (iron) casted, are also not considered kerises, but rather keris-like. Though there are, of course, several other factors that can be used to classify a keris, yet the four points mentioned above are by far the most important criteria. Reference: Harsrinuksmo, B., 2004: ‘ Ensiklopedi Keris’. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.