Human Values And Professional Ethics By Rr Gaur Pdf Viewer

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♥ Book Title: Professional Ethics and Human Values ♣ Name Author: M. GOVINDARAJAN, S. NATARAJAN, V.

SENTHILKUMAR ∞ Launching: 2013-07-09 ◊ Info ISBN Link: 165 ⊗ Detail ISBN code: ⊕ Number Pages: Total sheet ♮ News id: CWMSAAAAQBAJ ☯ Full Synopsis: 'Today, more and more organizations are realizing the importance of practising ethics in their business dealings. And the engineering profession is no exception to this. For, any policy or practice that gives a go-by to professional ethics—which essentially entails fair and transparent dealings based on sound moral principles—cannot enjoy the confidence of the customer for long.

It is in this context that a book on Professional Ethics is very significant. This systematically organized text opens with an introduction to Human Values and discusses, with great skill and expertise, the various approaches to the study of ethical behaviour, ethical theories, value-based ethics and the engineers’ responsibility for safety and risk, collegiality and loyalty. Besides, the responsibilities of engineers in organizational setting, and global issues such as environmental ethics, computer ethics, and Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) are also covered in this text.

The Case Studies lend a practical orientation to the book, and the Review Questions sharpen the analytical skills of the students. This is a must have book for the students of engineering and management. Flat to fem pdf online. GOVINDARAJAN, S. NATARAJAN, V.

SENTHILKUMAR Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Animal Welfare and Human Values ♣ Name Author: Rod Preece, Lorna Chamberlain ∞ Launching: 2010-10-30 ◊ Info ISBN Link: 674 ⊗ Detail ISBN code: ⊕ Number Pages: Total sheet ♮ News id: PtffAgAAQBAJ ☯ Full Synopsis: 'As the most populous province in Canada, Ontario is a microcosm of the animal welfare issues which beset Western civilization. The authors of this book, chairman and vice-chairman, respectively, of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, find themselves constantly being made aware of the atrocities committed in the Society’s jurisdiction. They have been, in turn, puzzled, exasperated and horrified at humanity’s cruelty to our fellow sentient beings. The issues discussed in this book are the most contentious in animal welfare disputes — animal experimentation, fur-farming and trapping, the use of animals for human entertainment and the conditions under which animals are raised for human consumption. They are complex issues and should be thought about fairly and seriously.

The authors, standing squarely on the side of the animals, suggest “community” and “belonging” as concepts through which to understand our relationships to other species. They ground their ideas in Wordsworth’s “primal sympathy” and Jung’s “unconscious identity” with the animal realm. The philosophy developed in this book embraces common sense and compromise as the surest paths to the goal of animal welfare. It requires respect and consideration for other species while acknowledging our primary obligations to our fellow humans. 'Article Rod Preece, Lorna Chamberlain Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Human Values and the Design of Computer Technology ♣ Name Author: Batya Friedman ∞ Launching: 1997-12-13 ◊ Info ISBN Link: ⊗ Detail ISBN code: 817 ⊕ Number Pages: Total sheet ♮ News id: -kUysua5GwcC ☯ Full Synopsis: 'This volume presents the latest findings on human values - including accountability, privacy, autonomy, and respect for person - with relation to the computer systems that we build and how we choose to use them. 'Article Batya Friedman Statement.'

♥ Book Title: Meaningful Work ♣ Name Author: Mike W. Martin ∞ Launching: 2000-03-16 ◊ Info ISBN Link: 093 ⊗ Detail ISBN code: 019988109X ⊕ Number Pages: Total sheet ♮ News id: v4VMCAAAQBAJ ☯ Full Synopsis: 'As commonly understood, professional ethics consists of shared duties and episodic dilemmas--the responsibilities incumbent on all members of specific professions joined together with the dilemmas that arise when these responsibilities conflict. Martin challenges this 'consensus paradigm' as he rethinks professional ethics to include personal commitments and ideals, of which many are not mandatory. Using specific examples from a wide range of professions, including medicine, law, high school teaching, journalism, engineering, and ministry, he explores how personal commitments motivate, guide, and give meaning to work. 'Article Mike W. Martin Statement.'

♥ Book Title: The Ethics of Teaching, 5th Edition ♣ Name Author: Jonas Soltis Kenneth Strike ∞ Launching: 2015-04-18 ◊ Info ISBN Link: 181 ⊗ Detail ISBN code: 080777118X ⊕ Number Pages: Total sheet ♮ News id: qLmT7hfWoqwC ☯ Full Synopsis: 'Written in a style that speaks directly to today's teacher, The Ethics of Teaching, Fifth Edition uses realistic case studies of day-to-day ethical dilemmas. The book covers such topics as: punishment and due process intellectual freedom equal treatment of students multiculturalism religious differences democracy teacher burnout professional conduct parental rights child abuse/neglect sexual harassment. 'Article Jonas Soltis Kenneth Strike Statement.'

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